How Long Does A Root Canal Last Without a Crown?

Do you have an infected or decayed tooth and are looking for options to save the tooth instead of having it removed? A root canal may be your answer to avoiding extraction of the tooth.

A crown typically restores the tooth after root canal therapy. However, it is not always necessary. That leaves you questioning: How long can a root canal last without a crown?

Let us find out by discussing root canals and crowns in greater detail. 

Root Canals

A root canal is a commonly known dental treatment that involves removing the infected or injured pulp. This soft area in the tooth’s center includes tissue, nerves, and blood vessels. 

A hole is drilled in the tooth to access the infected pulp. When the pulp is gone, the tooth is no longer alive. Once removed, cleaned, and shaped, a space remains. A restorative natural rubber-like material called gutta-percha seals the root canal, and a filling closes the hole. 

Root canals have a very high success rate—95%. The procedure is usually not painful but can be effective in stopping or relieving pain or sensitivity caused by the infected pulp. While a root canal alone can not restore the tooth to pre-infection function and strength, it can preserve it for a long time. 

Signs that you may need a root canal include:

  • Toothache and pain with chewing, pressure, or lying down
  • Lingering pain or sensitivity
  • Sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures
  • Discoloration or darkening of the tooth
  • A chipped or cracked tooth with pain
  • Gum tenderness and swelling
  • White, red, or yellow pimples on the gums

Advantages of a Root Canal

There are many advantages to having a root canal, and saving the natural tooth is one of them. Others include:

  • More natural appearance
  • More efficient chewing
  • Normal sensation
  • Cheaper alternative than extraction and having a dental implant or bridge


Restorative dentistry is the final step in a root canal procedure. It involves placing a crown to cap the tooth and as a structural reinforcement to improve the tooth’s functionality, protect it, and prevent it from breaking. 

Root Canals Without a Crown

Root canals can last for quite some time, even without a crown. Some factors play a role in determining how long a root canal lasts without a crown. These are:

Early Treatment

Prompt treatment of an infected tooth offers better results than waiting till an infection worsens and spreads further into the jaw. A tooth that is relatively intact and has a healthy structure may not need a crown. A more infected tooth that requires more excavation will most likely need a crown for reinforcement. 

Quality of Restoration

Root canals with permanent dental fillings help in preventing future infections. Inadequate or defective restorations can allow bacteria to infect and recontaminate the inner parts of the tooth. 

Tooth Location

Crowns may be less necessary for the front teeth. Front teeth do not grind food or withstand chewing pressure as much as molar teeth and thus can often last longer without crowns. 


Teeth become more brittle with age, which affects how long a root canal will last without a crown. 

Previous Restorations

If a tooth has undergone several restorations, the chances are the tooth is more fragile without a crown. 

How to Make Your Root Canal Last

Apart from prompt and quality treatment, there are some things you can do to ensure a root canal lasts as long as possible:

  • Good oral hygiene: Regular brushing and flossing after meals and before bed can keep bacteria at bay.
  • Regular dental checkups: After a root canal, you feel much less (hopefully none!) pain or sensation in the tooth, so you may not experience any symptoms of a cavity. Dental exams and cleanings can help prevent or treat cavities.

Root Canals That Stand the Test of Time

A root canal may be the most effective treatment for an aching tooth from either cavities or decayed teeth. It is a cost-effective solution to save the tooth. 

If you need a root canal and are concerned about how long they will last with or without a crown, call South Ancaster Family Dental today. We can answer any questions and offer a treatment plan based on your individual needs.