5 Signs That You Need Braces

For some, it’s a tossup for which is less desirable: braces or crooked and misaligned teeth. In most cases, the benefits of braces outweigh their minor inconvenience. Imagine the confidence boost you’ll get when you have a set of perfectly straight teeth smiling back at you in the mirror.

Some people wrongly believe it’s too late to benefit from braces once they’re an adult. This is simply not the case. There’s no denying that braces are much more efficient on a child because their jaws are still growing, which makes adjustment easier. However, even an adult’s smile can be improved through braces.

5 Signs That You Need Braces

Ultimately, your dentist is the most qualified person to determine whether you need braces and if you’re a candidate for them. However, some signs could indicate you need them:

Overbite or Underbite

Depending on what your teeth are doing, you may have an overbite or underbite. If the top row of teeth sticks out and overlaps the lower, that’s an overbite. An underbite is the opposite.

In addition to these two bites being potentially embarrassing, they can also be damaging. You may experience issues chewing properly, and your chances of tooth and gum damage are increased.

Gaps Between Teeth

Gaps between your teeth won’t necessarily cause many problems unless the spaces contribute to crowding in other parts of your mouth. Another potential problem with gaps is that it makes it easy for food to get stuck between your teeth, leading to tooth decay.

These issues aside, a primary concern with gaps is typically the aesthetic factor.

Crowded Teeth

One of the most common reasons someone would consider braces is to fix crowded teeth. Not only can overlapping teeth cause self-esteem issues because of how they look, but they actually increase the risk of cavities and tooth decay. So, braces will improve your oral health and give you a great smile.

Pain While Chewing

Chewing should not be painful. So, if you’re experiencing any discomfort while chewing, something may be out of alignment regarding your jaw or teeth. Your dentists can determine whether these are issues that braces can solve.

You Just Want Straight Teeth

Maybe you don’t have an abnormal bite. And maybe your mouth doesn’t have crowding or gap issues. Perhaps, you just have some teeth that didn’t come in totally straight. There’s nothing wrong with simply wanting straighter teeth.

If this is the case, the best thing to do is have that conversation with your dentist during your next checkup and cleaning.

How Long Do You Have to Wear Braces?

The length of time needed to reach the desired result varies from person to person. Things like age, amount of correction required, and type of braces all play a role in how long you have to wear them.

For children and teens, the average time needed is around 24 months. However, more minor cases can reach the desired results in under a year. For many adults, 24 months is average too. But there are many times when an individual may need to wear braces for up to 36 months.

Because there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, the best thing to do is discuss it with your dentist. Once they’ve taken X-rays and examined your teeth, they can give you a more firm estimated treatment time frame.

Alternatives to Braces

If you’d really prefer not to go the braces route, there are some options available you can ask your dentists about.


A veneer is a tooth-coloured cap that goes over your existing tooth. If needing braces is purely for cosmetic reasons, crowns may be an option.

Invisible Aligners

There are several types of invisible aligners on the market. Depending on the severity of the crowding or misalignment, this treatment may be a great alternative to braces. The nice thing about aligners is that they are hardly noticeable. However, because they get taken in and out, the treatment requires diligence to be effective.

Do You Need Braces?

According to the Canadian Dental Association, you should get a dental exam every six months to stay on top of any potential issues. If you’re adhering to this schedule, you should be able to have an ongoing conversation with your dentist about the need for braces.

If you haven’t been for a checkup for a while and you’re experiencing any of these signs. Give us a call at South Ancaster Family Dental. The helpful staff is happy to book you an appointment with Dr. Dam or Dr. Wallace.