Dentures in Ancaster, Ontario
Restore your confidence with dentures.
Complete or partial dentures are an effective and cost-efficient way to replace one or more missing teeth and to restore the shape of your mouth and face.
Partial dentures are plastic, nylon or metal plates with a number of false teeth attached to it that clip securely onto some of your natural teeth. Partial dentures can easily be unclipped and removed. And just like regular teeth, all dentures need to be cleaned daily. Even though dentures are made up of artificial teeth, plaque, tartar and bacteria can still build on them posing a threat to your existing teeth and gums.

Call us to schedule an appointment or with any questions at 905-304-9555

We offer custom dentures that are comfortable and visually match your teeth. In addition to looking and feeling great, your new dentures can also improve your speech, let you enjoy eating food you weren’t otherwise able to, due to missing teeth, and increase your self-esteem.
Once your custom dentures are created and placed, you’ll never have to worry about the pain, discomfort or inconveniences that come with missing teeth. Dentures will boost your facial features and avoid giving you that sunken cheeks look.
Replace your missing teeth and restore your smile with dentures. Contact us today to discuss whether dentures are right for you.