Potential Causes of Chipped Teeth

Chipped teeth are a common dental problem that tend to occur at the worst times. Whether big or small, a chipped tooth requires treatment—your dentist can help repair the damaged tooth and restore your smile

While many patients assume that chipping a tooth only happens due to blunt force trauma, there are many possible causes of this dental problem.

There can be many causes of a chipped tooth. Biting tough substances or foods, falls, car accidents, teeth grinding, and playing physical sports without wearing a mouthguard are common ways patients can experience chipped teeth

Watch Out for Potential Risks to Your Teeth

A chipped tooth can feel scary and sometimes like an emergency. While your teeth are strong, your enamel, the outer layer of your teeth, can weaken with time. If you take a fall, the impact on your tooth may be too much to handle. 

A weakened tooth is more likely to chip, and several factors can increase your risk: 

  • Tooth decay: Plaque slowly damages your enamel, and fillings to repair cavities can weaken your teeth. 
  • Acid reflux and heartburn: Acid reflux and heartburn can cause stomach acid to enter your mouth, potentially weakening your enamel. 
  • Teeth grinding: Teeth grinding can weaken your enamel, increasing the risk of a chipped tooth. 
  • Age: Tooth enamel can weaken with time—many patients over 50 are at a greater risk of chipped teeth. 
  • Sugar intake: Sugars left in your mouth mix with bacteria to create plaque, which can damage your enamel. 
  • Acidic foods and beverages: Acidic foods and drinks like coffee, juice, and spicy ingredients can weaken enamel, which increases the risk of chipped teeth. 

You may think a chipped tooth is only a cosmetic issue, but it can lead to complications such as sensitivity, pain, and infection if not properly treated.

Symptoms of a Chipped Tooth

Ignoring a severely chipped tooth is difficult, but a minor chip may go unnoticed at first. Some common symptoms of a chipped tooth include:

  • Pain when biting
  • Tongue irritation from rubbing against the tooth
  • Irritated gums in the damaged area
  • Feeling like there is a jagged area of your mouth when running your tongue along your teeth

Ways to Fix a Chipped Tooth

While a chipped tooth can happen to anyone, there are many ways to restore your smile. Your dentist can determine the best treatment for your tooth after assessing the damaged area. 

Depending on the severity of your injury, there are several ways to treat a chipped tooth, including crowns, veneers, dental onlays, and dental bonding.


Crowns are thin shells, of porcelain, or porcelain-covered metal, which are custom made to fit over your tooth. Prior to the insertion of a crown, your tooth will be trimmed down to accommodate the crown. 

Crowns are usually recommended for teeth after they undergo a root canal, or if they are badly chipped or decayed.

The crown will give the damaged tooth extra protection, and should greatly improve its longevity.


Veneers can be a potential solution for a chipped tooth. They are thin shells custom-made to fit over the front of your existing teeth, creating a smooth and natural-looking surface. They can address many types of tooth damage or abnormalities, including chips, cracks, and gaps. 

Unlike crowns that require tooth reshaping, veneers are minimally invasive and preserve most of your natural tooth structure. 

Dental Onlays

Dental onlays offer a durable and long-lasting solution for restoring damaged teeth. One of their advantages is the ability to blend in with your natural teeth. 

With advancements in dental technology, onlays can be custom-made for your teeth, providing a comfortable way to get your smile back. 

Dental Bonding

Dental bonding is another solution for a chipped tooth. Your dentist uses dental bonding to reshape and cover the damaged area, blending it with the surrounding teeth. The procedure typically takes only 1 dental visit and requires little to no anesthesia. 

Protect Your Smile

Whether from a fall, teeth grinding, or accident, a chipped tooth can ruin your day. However, many ways exist to help restore your tooth to its former glory. Your dentist can examine the damage to your tooth and determine the ideal treatment for your needs. 

Contact South Ancaster Family Dental if you experience a chipped tooth.