Dental Implants: Benefits & Importance

Missing a tooth? There are options to fill in the space in your smile. A common choice is a dental implant, which makes an excellent replacement for a single missing tooth.

This type of procedure falls in the category of restorative dentistry, as it addresses the cosmetic appearance and the functionality of your teeth. Visit South Ancaster Family Dental to see how we can help maintain your smile.

What is a Dental Implant?

A dental implant is an artificial tooth root that’s surgically fastened into your gums and capped with a false tooth. This procedure is done to replace a missing tooth. 

The term dental implant itself actually refers specifically to the metal rod affixed in the jawbone, but it’s sometimes used casually to refer to the entire procedure. 

What Does a Dental Implant Offer?

If you have concerns about undergoing a dental implant procedure, speak with your dentist. Bring forward any questions you need to have answered. Your dentist will explain the necessity of the procedure and ease your mind about undergoing dental work. 

There are plenty of reasons to get a dental implant. We’ve included some here. 


Unlike removable false teeth, dental implants are permanent additions to your mouth. This means they can’t be misplaced, and once they’re correctly fitted, their comfort level should stay consistent.

Overall Dental Health

One of the upsides to dental implants is that they don’t interfere with your natural teeth. Other tooth replacements must often be braced against the teeth on each side of the gap, but dental implants can stand alone as they are fused directly to the jaw bone.

Improved Speech

Missing teeth can impact our speech patterns, depending on their location in the mouth. For example, missing front teeth can lead to whistling sounds or a lisp.

Corrected Bite

A missing tooth can change our bite and affect the way we chew. Compensating for a missing tooth can lead to stress and other parts of the jaw. Having space between your teeth can also allow teeth to shift, causing further problems.

A Complete Smile

Some people feel self-conscious about a gap in their teeth. Dental implants can improve both the functional and cosmetic aspects of your smile.

The Dental Implant Process

Knowing what to expect when you come into the office for a dental implant will help prepare you for the procedure in advance and ensure you have the right expectations for the timing of the implant. 

Dental implants can take months. Multiple steps will be completed to ensure they’re done correctly, give your gums and jaw time to heal, and match the rest of your natural teeth.


As with many dental procedures, the first step is a consultation. This means a complete exam of your teeth and mouth with x-rays. Your dentist and their team should also go over your complete medical history, including any medications you use.

Your dentist will evaluate your overall oral health and determine the best way to proceed with your implant. 


If there is still a damaged tooth present where the implant is going, it will be extracted before the procedure can begin.


The first part of the dental implant procedure is securing the implant itself. For this part of the procedure we work with highly trained Periodontists and/or Oral Surgeons. After undergoing local anesthesia, the metal (often titanium) implant will be inserted into your jaw. Once placed, your gums will be stitched closed, and your mouth will need time to heal.


The abutment is the metal attachment that screws onto the implant. This is what connects the artificial tooth to the implant in the jaw. 

This portion of the procedure may be done alongside the implant, though often multiple appointments are required.

Fitting the Artificial Tooth

An artificial tooth will be specially crafted to fit your mouth. It will be a close match for your natural teeth, both in size and colour.

Once this tooth has been custom-made, it will be fitted over the abutment until it works functionally, cosmetically, and comfortably. Once the artificial tooth is secure, the implant procedure is complete and should not need to be changed for years, as long as you take proper care of it.

Follow Up

It’s essential to come back for regular dental check-ups to make sure your implant is performing optimally and the gums around it are healthy.

If the implant starts causing you pain, or you notice anything else amiss, contact your dentist to have it looked at as soon as possible.

Caring for Your Dental Implant

Though the crown that tops a dental implant is false, you still need to ensure you clean it as thoroughly and regularly as you do the rest of your natural teeth. Any bacteria trapped by the false tooth can still affect the gums surrounding the tooth and the teeth next to it. 

In pursuit of good dental hygiene, please be sure to:

  • Floss daily
  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day
  • Avoid excessive sugar, especially in beverages and snacks
  • See your dentist for regular exams cleanings and check-ups

Fill in the Gaps at South Ancaster Family Dental

We offer dental implants and much more at South Ancaster Family Dental. If you have a tooth that’s troubling you, please book an appointment so we can bring back your smile.